Screening and the Volunteer Recruitment Process
A resource on how to conduct screening in the volunteer recruitment process.
Author: Volunteering Australia
Advanced Search
A resource on how to conduct screening in the volunteer recruitment process.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A resource on how to conduct screening in the volunteer recruitment process.
Author: Volunteering Australia
Supports organisations in capturing information associated with volunteer tasks including task description, risk assessment, screening, induction, briefing, support, debriefing, recognition, and supervision strategies.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
This comprehensive handbook provides information on screening as part of the volunteer management cycle, identifying ten steps to screening. Please note that some information will be specific to the Canadian context.
Author: Volunteer Canada
A comprehensive guide on best practice volunteer management, covering all aspects of the volunteer management cycle.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
A brief guide on the ten steps of volunteer screening.
Author: Volunteer Canada
A template checklist for screening new volunteers. Note: Some screening information is specific to WA.
Author: Volunteering WA
Volunteering Resource Hub is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.