The Volunteering Resource Hub, an initiative of Volunteering Australia, brings together useful, evidence-based and current best practice resources, tools, research and information to support effective volunteer management.
Getting started?
Read our guide to Volunteer Management
This guide is to help you navigate the hub, highlighting key resources and providing a brief overview of how to effectively engage, manage and recognise volunteers.
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Explore the Resource Hub
We have over 350 relevant, useful and accessible resources, including policies, procedures, tools, videos, templates, guides and useful research and information, to assist with all stages of managing volunteers.
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Featured resources

Responding to a Pandemic
A comprehensive guide on volunteer involvement during a pandemic.
Author: Volunteering Australia, Volunteering Queensland

State of Volunteering in Victoria 2020
This report showcases the characteristics and the social, cultural and economic value of volunteering in Victoria.
Author: Volunteering Victoria, Institute of Project Management, Victoria State Government

Guide to Onboarding
A comprehensive guide covering planning, induction, training and evaluation of volunteers, including useful policies, procedures, schedules, checklists and templates.
Author: VolunteeringACT

Policies and Procedures Handbook
A guide for not-for-profit organisations, this resource covers policies and procedures that apply to both volunteers and employees.
Author: Volunteering WA

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Working together for Australian volunteers