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A New Model for Citizen Engagement

A review paper on local volunteering groups.

Author: Stanford Social Innovation Review

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Innovative Student Engagement: A Perspective

Information on engaging with students, identifying the key criteria for successful student engagement in volunteering programs.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Insurance and COVID-19: Guidance for Volunteer Involving Organisations

A resource addressing the volunteering protection gap raised by the COVID-19 health pandemic and what organisations are liable for.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Issues Paper: Volunteering Australia's National Review of the Definition of Volunteering in Australia

Volunteering Australia's National Steering Committee's Issues Paper relating to the review of the definition of volunteering.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Joint Policy Statement: Addressing the Pandemic Insurance Gap for Volunteers

A policy statement addressing the volunteering protection gap raised by the COVID-19 health pandemic.

Author: Volunteering Australia, Justice Connect

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Key Facts and Statistics About Volunteering in Victoria

An information report on key volunteering data for Victoria. Highlights trends in volunteer involvement.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Key Sources of Information about Volunteering in Australia

A quick guide to publicly available information about volunteering in Australia.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Key Statistics about Volunteering in Australia: The General Social Survey

An overview of the key statistics on volunteering in Australia, derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic's 2019 General Social Survey.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Migrant Participation in Sports Volunteering in Ireland

A research report on the involvement of migrant participation in sports volunteering.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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NSW State of Volunteering Report 2023

The State of Volunteering Report presents a detailed examination of the characteristics of volunteers and volunteer management in NSW. It highlights the strength of the volunteering sector, and the immense benefits volunteering contributes to the state.

Author: Institute of Project Management, The Centre for Volunteering

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