Virtual Volunteering
A guide to involving virtual volunteers, including policies and procedures, risk and intellectual property information and a volunteering from home checklist.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
Advanced Search
A guide to involving virtual volunteers, including policies and procedures, risk and intellectual property information and a volunteering from home checklist.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
Research on how organisations engage digitally with virtual volunteers, providing tips on how to effectively engage remote volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A guide to virtual volunteering, what it is and how to effectively engage with online volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Information on what a Volunteer Agreement is and what needs to be considered when developing an Agreement.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A handbook on workplace health and safety considerations in relation to volunteer involvement. Note: Some information is specific to Victoria.
Author: WorkSafe Victoria
A guide on developing and hosting a volunteer information session.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A comprehensive guide on best practice volunteer management, covering all aspects of the volunteer management cycle.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
How to advertise for volunteer roles, including through emergency volunteering platforms.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A list of volunteer rights.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A guide on how to create a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
Volunteering Resource Hub is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.