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Volunteer Project Notification

An example of an internal volunteer project notification, used to identify a new volunteering project.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Volunteer Reward and Recognition

A resource providing recommendations on ways that volunteers can be recognised.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities: Fact Sheet

An overview of the rights and respsonsibilites of volunteers.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteering and Employment

Understanding the motivations of volunteers and supporting volunteers in a pathway to employment.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Volunteering in Australia 2022: The Organisation Perspective

As part of the Volunteering in Australia research, this report provides an important contribution to the evidence base on contemporary volunteering to inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering. The focus of this report is the organisational perspective. We explore the characteristics of volunteer involving organisations and the challenges they are facing. The research draws on a literature review and several data sources. New data collection was undertaken through a survey and focus groups during May-June 2022.

Author: Kirsten Holmes, Patrick D. Dunlop, Leonie Lockstone-Binney, Amanda Davies, Hawa Muhammad Farid, and Callan Lavery

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Volunteering in Australia 2022: The Volunteer Perspective

As part of the Volunteering in Australia research, this report provides an important contribution to the evidence base on contemporary volunteering to inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering. The focus of this report is the volunteer perspective. We explore the characteristics of volunteers and volunteering and how this has changed over the last decade and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The research draws on several data sources, including the ANUpoll series of surveys with the most recent data collected in April 2022.

Author: Nicholas Biddle, Charlotte Boyer, Matthew Gray, and Maria Jahromi

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Volunteers During Disaster and Emergency Events: Fact Sheet

A guide to managing and engaging wtih spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering WA

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WA State of Volunteering Report 2023

The report draws its insights from two extensive surveys within the volunteering sector. The first, a Public Survey, involved a random sample of 1,000 WA residents, while the second, a Volunteer Manager survey, included 613 WA volunteer managers from across metropolitan, regional and remote locations. The findings underscore the resilience of the volunteering sector and emphasise the substantial benefits it brings to WA. In addition, Western Australia benefits from strong connection with corporate volunteering which further adds to this significant volunteer contribution. The report provides some high-level information from Volunteering WA’s Corporate Volunteering Program.

Author: Institute of Project Management, Volunteering WA

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