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Complaint Handling by Charities and Not-for-Profits

A guide to complaint handling, providing example policies and procedures.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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A Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteer Organisations

A comprehensive guide covering the WHS duties of a volunteer involving organisation. This resource covers specific topics including volunteering from home, emergency service volunteers, and bullying, harassment and discrimination duties.

Author: Safe Work Australia

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Complaint Handling by Charities and Not-for-Profits

A guide to complaint handling, providing example policies and procedures.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Conversation Worksheet

A template to help managers of volunteers plan and carry out difficult conversations with volunteers.

Author: Volunteer PlainTalk

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Dealing with Conflict

A brief guide on how to manage conflict with volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Difficult Conversations with Volunteers

Identifies when it may be necessary to have a difficult conversation, and provides tips on how to effectively have this conversation. This resource is accompanied by a Difficult Conversations Worksheet.

Author: Volunteer PlainTalk

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Grievance Procedure

A template for a grievance procedure

Author: Volunteering WA

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Guide to Performance Appraisal: Managing Underperformance Guidelines

A guide on how to manage underperformance. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Managing Older Workers: What can we learn from managers of older volunteers?

A research report that explores how to involve and manage older volunteers.

Author: School of Management, Edith Cowan University

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Managing Underperformance

A guide to performance appraisal and managing underperformance in volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Managing Volunteers for Retention

A high level guide on best practice volunteer management to support higher retention rates.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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