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Research Briefing Volunteering during the first year of COVID-19

Volunteering Australia worked in partnership with the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods (CSRM) to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volunteering.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Responding to a Pandemic: A Guide for Volunteer Involving Organisations

A comprehensive guide on volunteer involvement during a pandemic, reflecting most areas of the National Standards.

Author: Volunteering Australia, Volunteering Queensland

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Returning Volunteer Programs and Volunteers during COVID-19

A guide to effectively engaging and re-engaging volunteers during a pandemic from recruitment to safeguarding their wellbeing. Note: Some information is specific to the Western Australian context.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Engagement Response Plan to COVID-19

How to engage with volunteers during a pandemic, including effectively resourcing roles and re-considering how the organisation can better support the community.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, VQ Volunteer Strategies

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Volunteering and gender: changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

This factsheet compares data collected in 2020 and 2021 to data collected prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Volunteering in Australia 2022: The Volunteer Perspective

As part of the Volunteering in Australia research, this report provides an important contribution to the evidence base on contemporary volunteering to inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering. The focus of this report is the volunteer perspective. We explore the characteristics of volunteers and volunteering and how this has changed over the last decade and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The research draws on several data sources, including the ANUpoll series of surveys with the most recent data collected in April 2022.

Author: Nicholas Biddle, Charlotte Boyer, Matthew Gray, and Maria Jahromi

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Volunteering in Response to a Pandemic: A Practical Guide for Volunteers

Practical guidance to support volunteers in response to a pandemic. This guide provides practical checklists and information on key things to consider including: - Volunteering in a pandemic - Helping in pandemic response and recovery - Continuing or ceasing to volunteer - Maintaining good health and wellbeing - Staying connected and volunteering post-pandemic

Author: Volunteering Australia, Volunteering Queensland

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