Conversation Worksheet
A template to help managers of volunteers plan and carry out difficult conversations with volunteers.
Author: Volunteer PlainTalk
Advanced Search
Volunteers understand their roles and gain the knowledge, skills and feedback needed to safely and effectively carry out their duties.
A template to help managers of volunteers plan and carry out difficult conversations with volunteers.
Author: Volunteer PlainTalk
An example of a corporate level policy statement that supports the involvement of volunteers.
Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service
A guide to business continuity planning during a pandemic looking at the implications for volunteer involvement as well as operations, communication, finances and social impact.
Author: Volunteering Victoria, Volunteering Queensland, Volunteering Tasmania
A brief guide on how to complete a volunteer induction.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
An example of a daily sign on register for volunteer groups and one off events, including a health and safety induction checklist.
Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service
Identifies when it may be necessary to have a difficult conversation, and provides tips on how to effectively have this conversation. This resource is accompanied by a Difficult Conversations Worksheet.
Author: Volunteer PlainTalk
A resource with several templates to identify whether a volunteer needs additional training and methods to track progress.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A detailed guide on how to engage millenial volunteers, covering role design, recruitment strategies, engagement strategies and supporting change in an organisation. This guide also includes templates.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A summary of research insights on the effects of volunteering on mental health. It draws upon local and international studies which apply qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A comprehensive guide to onboarding volunteers, covering planning, policies and procedures, induction, training and evaluation. This guide provides information, checklists and templates relevant to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Volunteering Resource Hub is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.