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Sample Position Description: Team Leader – Spontaneous Volunteer

Defines the role and responsibilities of Team Leader – Spontaneous Volunteers, who supervise and oversee the work of their team of Spontaneous Volunteers in providing support to the disaster affected community.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample: Volunteer Reception and Registration Centre Plan

Supports organisations in planning for the use of Volunteer Reception and Registration Centres within their Spontaneous Volunteer operations.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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School Leavers and Volunteering

A guide to involving school leavers who are living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Seven Steps to Volunteer Management Success

Tips on how to best support volunteers and volunteer involvement.

Author: Leep

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Steps for Setting up a Volunteer Programme

A brief list of actions to consider when setting up a volunteer program.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

A comprehensive guide to performance appraisal, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation

A comprehensive guide to probation, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Position Description Template

A template to create a position description. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Template: Local Spontaneous Volunteers Roles Scope

Assists Local Government to undertake a high-level assessment of the possible tasks Spontaneous Volunteers could undertake following a disaster in their community. This high-level scope helps inform the best model for their local area regarding the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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The Principles of Volunteering

The key principles of volunteering and how this impacts upon an organisation's volunteer involvement.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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