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3Bridges: Volunteer Handbook

An example of a Volunteer Handbook. The Handbook covers key information on what to expect as a volunteer, including induction, training, code of conduct and work, health and safety considerations.

Author: 3Bridges Community

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A Common Purpose: Formal Volunteering and Cultural Diversity

A guide on how to build an inclusive volunteering role, focusing on overseas volunteers, cultural awareness, communication styles, gender, and religion.

Author: Volunteering WA, Fran Robinson

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A Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteer Organisations

A comprehensive guide covering the WHS duties of a volunteer involving organisation. This resource covers specific topics including volunteering from home, emergency service volunteers, and bullying, harassment and discrimination duties.

Author: Safe Work Australia

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Additional Pieces to your Insurance Puzzle

A flyer for the AON Insurance Puzzle Solver, which identifies key considerations when thinking about appropriate insurance cover.

Author: Aon

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Aged-Friendly Volunteering

A guide on how to involve older volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Best Practice Guidelines

A workbook to help organisations review their volunteering programs in line with best practice frameworks.

Author: Volunteering New Zealand

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Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers

A detailed guide on planning for the involvement of spontaneous volunteers, covering national policies and principles as well as providing information on strategies for supporting and coordinating spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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Community Handbook: Day to Day Operations

How to set up a community group, including governance, management, risk management and strategic planning.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Community Handbook: Working with People

A guide on how to effectively work with volunteers as part of a community group.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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