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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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A Checklist for Local Governments and Organisations Managing Spontaneous Volunteers in Queensland

Provides checklists for use by Local Government and other organisations managing Spontaneous Volunteers to ensure they can effectively harness the energy of Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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A Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteer Organisations

A comprehensive guide covering the WHS duties of a volunteer involving organisation. This resource covers specific topics including volunteering from home, emergency service volunteers, and bullying, harassment and discrimination duties.

Author: Safe Work Australia

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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Checklist for Organisations Managing Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides a checklist for organisations managing Spontaneous Volunteers to ensure they can effectively harness the energy of Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Checklist to Effectively Manage Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides a checklist for Local Government to guide them through their responsibilities regarding Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency to ensure Spontaneous Volunteers can be effectively deployed in their local area.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers

A detailed guide on planning for the involvement of spontaneous volunteers, covering national policies and principles as well as providing information on strategies for supporting and coordinating spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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COVID-19: Information for Volunteers

Information from Volunteering Australia’s COVID-19 Position Paper No. 1: Information for Volunteers. It includes resources, information on getting involved in response volunteering and on volunteering obligations.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Local Government Sub Plan Spontaneous Volunteers: A Practical Guide for Local Government

Guides Local Government in developing their Spontaneous Volunteer Management Sub Plan and outlines key considerations and example text.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Making it Happen: Good practice in building local capability to manage spontaneous disaster volunteers

This resource identifies who may be responsible for spontaneous volunteers, including how to set up a response team and risk management considerations. Note: Some information is specific to the Queensland context. This resource is also accompanied by the Making it Happen: Toolkit, which provides useful tools for volunteer management of spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Making it Happen: Toolkit to support good practice in building local capability to manage spontaneous disaster volunteers

Toolkit to accompany the Making it Happen resource, which includes sample forms, surveys and checklists of key considerations in the management of spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Organisational Plan Management of Spontaneous Volunteers – A practical guide for volunteer involving organisations

Assists organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers with establishing an Operational Plan to clearly articulate how Spontaneous Volunteers will be utilised and managed when the need arises.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Agreement: Activation and use of Volunteering Queensland’s EV CREW service

Outlines the agreed roles and responsibilities of Volunteering Queensland and the respective Local Government Authority in the activation and use of Emergency Volunteering – Community Response to Extreme Weather (EV CREW).

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Memorandum of Understanding

Establishes the principles, outcomes, roles, responsibilities, and relationships between Local Governments and organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Messaging

Provides a series of recommended social media posts to use at various stages of response and recovery to support messages regarding the need or non-need for volunteer assistance.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Position Description: Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC) Volunteer Coordinator

Defines the role and responsibilities of the LDCC Volunteer Coordinator who will have primary responsibility for the coordination of Spontaneous Volunteer operations within the coordinated response.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Position Description: Organisation Spontaneous Volunteer Manager

Defines the role and responsibilities of the Spontaneous Volunteer Manager, who has overall responsibility for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers within their organisation.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Position Description: Team Leader – Spontaneous Volunteer

Defines the role and responsibilities of Team Leader – Spontaneous Volunteers, who supervise and oversee the work of their team of Spontaneous Volunteers in providing support to the disaster affected community.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample: Volunteer Reception and Registration Centre Plan

Supports organisations in planning for the use of Volunteer Reception and Registration Centres within their Spontaneous Volunteer operations.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Spontaneous Volunteer Management Resource Kit: Helping to manage spontaneous volunteers in emergencies

A comprehensive resource on spontaneous volunteer management, covering planning prior to an emergency, during an emergency and after an emergency. This resource also covers management frameworks and communication strategies.

Author: Australian Red Cross, Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

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Template: Briefing Sheet Spontaneous Volunteer Operations

Provides an overview on the key points to consider when briefing Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Debriefing Spontaneous Volunteer Operations

Provides an overview on the key points to consider when debriefing Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Determining the Best Model for the Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in your Local Government Area

Assists Local Government in identifying the best model for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers in the local government area. Includes information on who manages liability and insurance based on the model selected.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Local Spontaneous Volunteers Roles Scope

Assists Local Government to undertake a high-level assessment of the possible tasks Spontaneous Volunteers could undertake following a disaster in their community. This high-level scope helps inform the best model for their local area regarding the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Registration Form and Agreement for Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides an overview of the key information to collect when a volunteer registers with an organisation and defines the relationship between the organisation and volunteer.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Spontaneous Volunteer Task Management Plan

Supports organisations in capturing information associated with volunteer tasks including task description, risk assessment, screening, induction, briefing, support, debriefing, recognition, and supervision strategies.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Volunteer Recruitment

How to advertise for volunteer roles, including through emergency volunteering platforms.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Volunteers During Disaster and Emergency Events: Fact Sheet

A guide to managing and engaging wtih spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering WA

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