Writing a Role Description
A guide on how to write a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteering Australia
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A guide on how to write a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A guide on how to build an inclusive volunteering role, focusing on overseas volunteers, cultural awareness, communication styles, gender, and religion.
Author: Volunteering WA, Fran Robinson
A guide on how to adapt volunteering roles to be more inclusive of people living with a disability.
Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria
A research report identifying the gap between what volunteers look for in a volunteering role and how organisations are engaging with volunteers. Identifies ways to better understanding volunteer motivations and engage with volunteers.
Author: Volunteer Canada
A template position description for a committee member.
Author: Volunteering WA
Information from Volunteering Australia’s COVID-19 Position Paper No. 1: Information for Volunteers. It includes resources, information on getting involved in response volunteering and on volunteering obligations.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A template for creating a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A guide for Managers of Volunteers on how to design a volunteering role, including templates.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A brief guide on key considerations when involving younger volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A comprehensive guide to onboarding volunteers, covering planning, policies and procedures, induction, training and evaluation. This guide provides information, checklists and templates relevant to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template Volunteer Assignment Agreement. This resource is a part of the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Identifying the different between volunteering, work for the dole, internships, and student placements.
Author: Volunteering WA
An example position description for a volunteer coach in a sporting context.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for the position description for a Treasurer.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template position description for a president or chairperson.
Author: Volunteering WA
A resource for volunteers on rights and responsibilies of volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
A brief overview of the rights and responsibilities of volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
Defines the role and responsibilities of the LDCC Volunteer Coordinator who will have primary responsibility for the coordination of Spontaneous Volunteer operations within the coordinated response.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Defines the role and responsibilities of the Spontaneous Volunteer Manager, who has overall responsibility for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers within their organisation.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Defines the role and responsibilities of Team Leader – Spontaneous Volunteers, who supervise and oversee the work of their team of Spontaneous Volunteers in providing support to the disaster affected community.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Supports organisations in planning for the use of Volunteer Reception and Registration Centres within their Spontaneous Volunteer operations.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A template to create a position description. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation
Author: VolunteeringACT
Assists Local Government to undertake a high-level assessment of the possible tasks Spontaneous Volunteers could undertake following a disaster in their community. This high-level scope helps inform the best model for their local area regarding the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Supports organisations in capturing information associated with volunteer tasks including task description, risk assessment, screening, induction, briefing, support, debriefing, recognition, and supervision strategies.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
The key principles of volunteering and how this impacts upon an organisation's volunteer involvement.
Author: Volunteering Victoria
Example of a role description for a Volunteer Ambassador.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh
An example of a Volunteer Code of Conduct.
Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service
An overview of the rights and respsonsibilites of volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for volunteers to complete an organisational risk assessment.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A guide on how to create a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
Template for creating a volunteer task description.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh
A brief overview of the difference between volunteers and interns.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A comprehensive resource on workplace health and safety that covers volunteer role descriptions, risk management procedures, policies and procedures and volunteer training. Note: Some information is specific to South Australia.
Author: City of Salisbury
A website that contains resources, templates and tools for Volunteer managers and volunteers. The website is aimed at increasing inclusion for people with disability.
Author: Orana, Southern Volunteering SA & Northern Volunteering SA
A guide on creating appropriate volunteer roles, identifying the difference between different types of unpaid roles.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Information for volunteer rights and questions to consider before volunteering for an organisation.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A brief guide on key considerations when involving older volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A guide on how to write a code of conduct.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A guide on how to write a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteering Australia
A simple guide and template for writing an effective advertisement for a volunteering role.
Author: Volunteering WA, Volunteering Victoria
Volunteering Resource Hub is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.