A Framework for Your Volunteer Policy
A guide and template on how to set up a Volunteer Policy.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
Advanced Search
A guide and template on how to set up a Volunteer Policy.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for an accident and incident report form.
Author: Volunteering WA
A resource to support staff to set and manage goals. Note: This resource supports the Best Practice Guidelines
Author: Volunteering New Zealand
A basic template for conducting reference checks for potential volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template position description for a committee member.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template to help managers of volunteers plan and carry out difficult conversations with volunteers.
Author: Volunteer PlainTalk
A template for creating a volunteer role description.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A guide for Managers of Volunteers on how to design a volunteering role, including templates.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template to create a Disability Action Plan Template. Note: This resource is accompanied by the Disability Action Plan resource.
Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria
A resource with several templates to identify whether a volunteer needs additional training and methods to track progress.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for a drug and alcohol policy.
Author: Volunteering WA
A detailed guide on how to engage millenial volunteers, covering role design, recruitment strategies, engagement strategies and supporting change in an organisation. This guide also includes templates.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
An policy template for protecting volunteer and employee health and safety during a pandemic.
Author: Volunteering Victoria, Institute of Community Directors Australia
A guide and template for considering what equipment will be required to involve volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for recording data from a series of exit interviews for recording and evaluating data on exiting volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for a grievance procedure
Author: Volunteering WA
A guide providing tools and templates to use in the capacity building of small community groups, relating to the sustainability of the group and enhancing group outcomes.
Author: Volunteering Queensland, Queensland University of Technology
A template for notifying all staff that a new volunteer/member of staff will be starting with the organisation. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for feedback questions regarding the onboarding process, from recruitment, to induction, to ongoing engagement. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Information on what should be considered when planning the first day of a new volunteer or staff member. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template questionnaire to support the inclusive involvement of volunteers. This template covers both identifying the needs of volunteers and receiving feedback on the onboarding process. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for an induction checklist for new staff, identifying a three week onboarding process. This resource is a part of the Guide to Onboarding and is relevant to both volunteers and paid employees.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A brief checklist to guide the onboarding process. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A checklist to guide what should be done before a volunteers first day. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template Volunteer Assignment Agreement. This resource is a part of the Guide to Onboarding.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for both a student and coach to provide feedback on the coaching process. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Sample questions to guide the coaching process. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for both mentor and mentee feedback questions. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Sample questions to structure an initial mentoring session. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for providing feedback on peer support. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A policy template to peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a procedure to outline responsibilities and processes for peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A policy template for performance appraisal. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a procedure to guide performance appraisal. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a Performance Appraisal Procedure. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a Supervision Policy. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a Supervision Procedure. Covering the key responsibilities of supervisors and supervisees. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for supervision feedback questions. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision
Author: VolunteeringACT
Identifies the importance of the volunteer lifecycle, including supporting, supervising and recognising volunteers. Aligns findings with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement. Note: This resource accompanies the Leep: Harnessing Volunteer Motivation Webinar.
Author: Leep
A template for a volunteer self-appraisal.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki
A template letter that can be provided to unsuccessful applicants of a volunteering role.
Author: Volunteering WA
Toolkit to accompany the Making it Happen resource, which includes sample forms, surveys and checklists of key considerations in the management of spontaneous volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A template for a sporting club member protection policy.
Author: Volunteering WA
A comprehensive guide to the legal obligations an organisation has for its volunteers. This six part guide includes: 1. Introduction and overview 2. Volunteer, employee or independent contractor? 3. Recruiting, inducting, managing and ending the volunteer relationship 4. Volunteer safety with annexures 5. Workplace behaviour 6. Other legal issues relevant to volunteers
Author: Not-for-Profit Law, Justice Connect
A guide on planning training for volunteers, including templates on questions to consider in the process.
Author: Volunteering WA
Organisation level resource, covering policies and procedures that apply to both employees and volunteers.
Author: Volunteering WA
An example position description for a volunteer coach in a sporting context.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for the position description for a Treasurer.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template position description for a president or chairperson.
Author: Volunteering WA
A basic template for considering a recruitment plan.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A template for a reference request letter.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki
A template for a Job Hazard Analysis.
Author: Volunteering WA
A toolkit on identifying and managing risks in your volunteer involving organisation.
Author: Volunteering Australia
Outlines the agreed roles and responsibilities of Volunteering Queensland and the respective Local Government Authority in the activation and use of Emergency Volunteering – Community Response to Extreme Weather (EV CREW).
Author: Volunteering Queensland
An example of a volunteer exit interview.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
Establishes the principles, outcomes, roles, responsibilities, and relationships between Local Governments and organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A template for completing reference checks.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for a social media and communications policy.
Author: Volunteering WA
A comprehensive guide to performance appraisal, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A comprehensive guide to probation, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for a Probation Policy. This resource can be used as a WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template for Probation Procedure. This resource can be used as WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.
Author: VolunteeringACT
A template to create a position description. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation
Author: VolunteeringACT
Template for a supervisor's evaluation of a probationary employee. Can be adapted to receive feedback from volunteers during onboarding process. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.
Author: VolunteeringACT
Provides an overview on the key points to consider when briefing Spontaneous Volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Provides an overview on the key points to consider when debriefing Spontaneous Volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Assists Local Government in identifying the best model for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers in the local government area. Includes information on who manages liability and insurance based on the model selected.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Assists Local Government to undertake a high-level assessment of the possible tasks Spontaneous Volunteers could undertake following a disaster in their community. This high-level scope helps inform the best model for their local area regarding the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Provides an overview of the key information to collect when a volunteer registers with an organisation and defines the relationship between the organisation and volunteer.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
Supports organisations in capturing information associated with volunteer tasks including task description, risk assessment, screening, induction, briefing, support, debriefing, recognition, and supervision strategies.
Author: Volunteering Queensland
A resource to support staff to analyse how they spend their time on a given day. Note: This resource supports the Best Practice Guidelines.
Author: Volunteering New Zealand
A template for a Volunteer Agreement.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for a volunteer application form
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A basic excel template for record keeping of volunteer details.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for conducting a volunteer exit interview.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for undertaking a volunteer exit interview.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A template for a Volunteer Induction Checklist.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for completing a volunteer induction.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
An example of a volunteer induction checklist.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh
A template for a volunteer induction checklist.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template for a volunteer exit interview.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki
A resource guiding organisations on how to perform a health check of their volunteer involvement and volunteer management practices. This resource can be used as a template. Note: Item 2.08 is not relevant to Australian volunteering programs.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A template Volunteer Management Plan.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for preparing and completing a volunteer oriendation or induction.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for completing and recording details of a volunteer performance review.
Author: Volunteering WA
A detailed template for completing and recording details of a volunteer performance review.
Author: Volunteering WA
An example of an internal volunteer project notification, used to identify a new volunteering project.
Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service
A template for record keeping a volunteer's involvement.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A template for a volunteer recruitment checklist. Note: this checklist is most relevant to sporting clubs and groups.
Author: Volunteering WA
A template for volunteers to complete an organisational risk assessment.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
A template for a volunteer role risk assessment.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki
A guide and template for completing a risk assessment of volunteer roles.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
A basic template for recording volunteer shifts,
Author: Volunteering WA
A template checklist for screening new volunteers. Note: Some screening information is specific to WA.
Author: Volunteering WA
A basic template for having a performance discussion with a volunteer.
Author: Volunteer Scotland
Template for creating a volunteer task description.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh
A webpage linking to various lessons and unitis of work that can be used by teachers and volunteer resource centres to support the involvement of young people in volunteering.
Author: Volunteering Australia
An example of how to support the mental health and wellbeing of volunteers as they perform their role. This resource provides a list of questions in a template format.
Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki
A template to accompany the Competencies for Managers of Volunteers resource.
Author: Volunteering New Zealand
A simple guide and template for writing an effective advertisement for a volunteering role.
Author: Volunteering WA, Volunteering Victoria
Volunteering Resource Hub is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.