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3Bridges: Volunteer Handbook

An example of a Volunteer Handbook. The Handbook covers key information on what to expect as a volunteer, including induction, training, code of conduct and work, health and safety considerations.

Author: 3Bridges Community

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A Checklist for Local Governments and Organisations Managing Spontaneous Volunteers in Queensland

Provides checklists for use by Local Government and other organisations managing Spontaneous Volunteers to ensure they can effectively harness the energy of Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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A Framework for Your Volunteer Policy

A guide and template on how to set up a Volunteer Policy.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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A Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteer Organisations

A comprehensive guide covering the WHS duties of a volunteer involving organisation. This resource covers specific topics including volunteering from home, emergency service volunteers, and bullying, harassment and discrimination duties.

Author: Safe Work Australia

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Additional Pieces to your Insurance Puzzle

A flyer for the AON Insurance Puzzle Solver, which identifies key considerations when thinking about appropriate insurance cover.

Author: Aon

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Aged-Friendly Volunteering

A guide on how to involve older volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Background Screening for Volunteers

Information on screening new volunteers, including information on how to develop a screening policy.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Best Practice Guidelines

A workbook to help organisations review their volunteering programs in line with best practice frameworks.

Author: Volunteering New Zealand

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Checklist for Organisations Managing Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides a checklist for organisations managing Spontaneous Volunteers to ensure they can effectively harness the energy of Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Checklist to Effectively Manage Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides a checklist for Local Government to guide them through their responsibilities regarding Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency to ensure Spontaneous Volunteers can be effectively deployed in their local area.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers

A detailed guide on planning for the involvement of spontaneous volunteers, covering national policies and principles as well as providing information on strategies for supporting and coordinating spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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Complaint Handling by Charities and Not-for-Profits

A guide to complaint handling, providing example policies and procedures.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Corporate Policy Statement: Volunteers and Community Involvement

An example of a corporate level policy statement that supports the involvement of volunteers.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Corporate Volunteering

A webpage providing using information on starting a corporate volunteering program.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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COVID-19: Advice for Organisations on Safeguarding Volunteers

Advice for organisations on how to safeguard volunteer health and wellbeing during a pandemic.

Author: Volunteering WA

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COVID-19: Business Continuity Planning

A guide to business continuity planning during a pandemic looking at the implications for volunteer involvement as well as operations, communication, finances and social impact.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, Volunteering Queensland, Volunteering Tasmania

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Creating an Inclusive Volunteering Environment

Information on how to create an inclusive volunteering environment, including information on how to complete an inclusion review.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Daily Sign on Resiger for Volunteer Groups / One-off Events

An example of a daily sign on register for volunteer groups and one off events, including a health and safety induction checklist.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Debunking Skilled Volunteering

A fact sheet to support the 'Debunking Skilled Volunteering Webinar'.

Author: Leep

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Debunking Skilled Volunteering: How to Tap into Skilled Corporate Volunteers

This webinar explores skilled and corporate volunteering, identifying platforms that VIOs can engage with to recruit skilled volunteers and providing space to consider the value they might add to a volunteer program.

Author: Leep

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Developing a Volunteer Policy

Provides high level information on how to develop a volunteering policy.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Disability Action Plan

A guide on how to develop a Disability Action Plan. This resource is accompanied by Disability Action Plan Templates.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Disability Action Plan: Template

A template to create a Disability Action Plan Template. Note: This resource is accompanied by the Disability Action Plan resource.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Effective Communication

Communication considerations when working with volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Eight Mistakes to Avoid when Organising a Charity Fundraising Event

Tips on commonly made mistakes when organising a fundraising event.

Author: Aon

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Engaging Young Volunteers

A brief guide on key considerations when involving younger volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Epidemic & Pandemic Policy

An policy template for protecting volunteer and employee health and safety during a pandemic.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, Institute of Community Directors Australia

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Events Public Liability & Risk Management

A resource providing high level information on public liability insurance, as well as an event risk management checklist.

Author: Aon

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Example Inclusion Statement

An example of an inclusion statement at an organisational level.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Guide to Onboarding

A comprehensive guide to onboarding volunteers, covering planning, policies and procedures, induction, training and evaluation. This guide provides information, checklists and templates relevant to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Onboarding: Volunteer Assignment Agreement

A template Volunteer Assignment Agreement. This resource is a part of the Guide to Onboarding.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring

A comprehensive guide to peer support, coaching and mentoring, providing information, checklists and templates. This guide is applicable to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring: Staff Peer Support Coaching Mentoring Policy

A policy template to peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring: Staff Peer Support Coaching Mentoring Procedure

A template for a procedure to outline responsibilities and processes for peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Insurance and COVID-19: Guidance for Volunteering Involving Organisations

Information on risk in volunteer involvement during COVID-19. Covering liability over the health of volunteers and discrimination concerns in standing volunteers down.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Insurance Puzzle Solver

A flyer for the AON Insurance Puzzle Solver, which identifies key considerations when thinking about appropriate insurance cover.

Author: Aon

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Is Your Organisation Accessible?

A checklist to ensure your organisation is accessible to volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Keeping Volunteers Safe

Supporting volunteer involvement in a pandemic. Topics covered include risk management; work, health and safety; insurance; and an organisational self-assessment.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Local Government Sub Plan Spontaneous Volunteers: A Practical Guide for Local Government

Guides Local Government in developing their Spontaneous Volunteer Management Sub Plan and outlines key considerations and example text.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Major Event Workforce Management

A white paper covering different strategies for recruitment and management of volunteers for large scale events

Author: Rosterfy

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Making it Happen: Good practice in building local capability to manage spontaneous disaster volunteers

This resource identifies who may be responsible for spontaneous volunteers, including how to set up a response team and risk management considerations. Note: Some information is specific to the Queensland context. This resource is also accompanied by the Making it Happen: Toolkit, which provides useful tools for volunteer management of spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Making it Happen: Toolkit to support good practice in building local capability to manage spontaneous disaster volunteers

Toolkit to accompany the Making it Happen resource, which includes sample forms, surveys and checklists of key considerations in the management of spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Managing Volunteers for Retention

A high level guide on best practice volunteer management to support higher retention rates.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Managing Volunteers from a CALD Background

A brief guide in how to involve volunteers from a culturally or linguistically diverse background. The resource covers key stages of the volunteer management cycle including recruitment, induction and training.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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National Volunteering Guide

A comprehensive guide to the legal obligations an organisation has for its volunteers. This six part guide includes: 1. Introduction and overview 2. Volunteer, employee or independent contractor? 3. Recruiting, inducting, managing and ending the volunteer relationship 4. Volunteer safety with annexures 5. Workplace behaviour 6. Other legal issues relevant to volunteers

Author: Not-for-Profit Law, Justice Connect

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Organisational Plan Management of Spontaneous Volunteers – A practical guide for volunteer involving organisations

Assists organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers with establishing an Operational Plan to clearly articulate how Spontaneous Volunteers will be utilised and managed when the need arises.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Parks and Wildlife Service: Volunteer Management Manual

An example of a Volunteer Management Handbook. The Handbook covers key information volunteer management processes including frameworks, recruitment, supervision and administration.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Reference Checks

A brief guide on completing reference checks during the selection and screening process.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Responding to a Pandemic: A Guide for Volunteer Involving Organisations

A comprehensive guide on volunteer involvement during a pandemic, reflecting most areas of the National Standards.

Author: Volunteering Australia, Volunteering Queensland

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Returning Volunteer Programs and Volunteers during COVID-19

A guide to effectively engaging and re-engaging volunteers during a pandemic from recruitment to safeguarding their wellbeing. Note: Some information is specific to the Western Australian context.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Risk Management Plan: Job hazard analysis

A template for a Job Hazard Analysis.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Running the Risk? Risk Management Tool for Volunteer Involving Organisations

A toolkit on identifying and managing risks in your volunteer involving organisation.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Sample Agreement: Activation and use of Volunteering Queensland’s EV CREW service

Outlines the agreed roles and responsibilities of Volunteering Queensland and the respective Local Government Authority in the activation and use of Emergency Volunteering – Community Response to Extreme Weather (EV CREW).

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Exit Interview Template

An example of a volunteer exit interview.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Sample Memorandum of Understanding

Establishes the principles, outcomes, roles, responsibilities, and relationships between Local Governments and organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Reference Check Template

A template for completing reference checks.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Sample: Volunteer Reception and Registration Centre Plan

Supports organisations in planning for the use of Volunteer Reception and Registration Centres within their Spontaneous Volunteer operations.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Screening and the Volunteer Recruitment Process

A resource on how to conduct screening in the volunteer recruitment process.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Smart Solutions Protect Virtual Volunteers

A high level overview of insurance considerations when involving virtual volunteers.

Author: Aon

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Supplementary Guide to Probation

A comprehensive guide to probation, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Employee Probation Policy

A template for a Probation Policy. This resource can be used as a WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Employee Probation Procedure

A template for Probation Procedure. This resource can be used as WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Position Description Template

A template to create a position description. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Template: Briefing Sheet Spontaneous Volunteer Operations

Provides an overview on the key points to consider when briefing Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Determining the Best Model for the Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in your Local Government Area

Assists Local Government in identifying the best model for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers in the local government area. Includes information on who manages liability and insurance based on the model selected.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Spontaneous Volunteer Task Management Plan

Supports organisations in capturing information associated with volunteer tasks including task description, risk assessment, screening, induction, briefing, support, debriefing, recognition, and supervision strategies.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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The Screening Handbook

This comprehensive handbook provides information on screening as part of the volunteer management cycle, identifying ten steps to screening. Please note that some information will be specific to the Canadian context.

Author: Volunteer Canada

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Volunteer Agreement

A template for a Volunteer Agreement.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Volunteer Agreement

Information on what a Volunteer Agreement is and what needs to be considered when developing an Agreement.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Database

A basic excel template for record keeping of volunteer details.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Exit Questionnaire

A template for undertaking a volunteer exit interview.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Induction Checklist

A template for a Volunteer Induction Checklist.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Volunteer Induction: Health and Safety

An example of a Health and Safety Induction Handbook for volunteers.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Volunteer Management Health Check Guide

A resource guiding organisations on how to perform a health check of their volunteer involvement and volunteer management practices. This resource can be used as a template. Note: Item 2.08 is not relevant to Australian volunteering programs.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Volunteer Management Toolkit

A comprehensive guide on best practice volunteer management, covering all aspects of the volunteer management cycle.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Volunteer Record Template

A template for record keeping a volunteer's involvement.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Recruitment Checklist

A template for a volunteer recruitment checklist. Note: this checklist is most relevant to sporting clubs and groups.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Registration Form and Health and Safety Induction Checklist

An example of a Volunteer Registration Form and Health and Safety Induction Checklist.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Volunteer Risk Assessment

A template for volunteers to complete an organisational risk assessment.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Role Descriptions

A guide on how to create a volunteer role description.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Role Risk Assessment

A template for a volunteer role risk assessment.

Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki

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Volunteer Roster

A basic template for recording volunteer shifts,

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Screening

A brief guide on the ten steps of volunteer screening.

Author: Volunteer Canada

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Volunteer Screening Process

A template checklist for screening new volunteers. Note: Some screening information is specific to WA.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Support Record

A basic template for having a performance discussion with a volunteer.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Workforce Health and Safety Training Framework: A guide for South Australian Local Government

A comprehensive resource on workplace health and safety that covers volunteer role descriptions, risk management procedures, policies and procedures and volunteer training. Note: Some information is specific to South Australia.

Author: City of Salisbury

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A website that contains resources, templates and tools for Volunteer managers and volunteers. The website is aimed at increasing inclusion for people with disability.

Author: Orana, Southern Volunteering SA & Northern Volunteering SA

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Volunteering Policy

Example of a volutneering policy.

Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, VolunteerWiki

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Volunteers During Disaster and Emergency Events: Fact Sheet

A guide to managing and engaging wtih spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Working with Older Volunteers

A brief guide on key considerations when involving older volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Writing Policies and Procedures

A resource on the importance of policies and procedures and what policies and procedures an organisation may require.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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You're a Not for Profit, but Don't Let Scammers Profit Off You

A brief guide to the key types of scams that charities and not for profit organisation's may be susceptible to.

Author: Aon

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