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6 Steps to Volunteer Management Success

This webinar covers key elements of volunteer management, including adapting to changing needs, building inclusive programs, providing structured frameworks and involving volunteers in all aspects of the organisation.

Author: Leep

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A Checklist for Local Governments and Organisations Managing Spontaneous Volunteers in Queensland

Provides checklists for use by Local Government and other organisations managing Spontaneous Volunteers to ensure they can effectively harness the energy of Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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A Framework for Your Volunteer Policy

A guide and template on how to set up a Volunteer Policy.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Aged-Friendly Volunteering

A guide on how to involve older volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Checklist to Effectively Manage Spontaneous Volunteers

Provides a checklist for Local Government to guide them through their responsibilities regarding Spontaneous Volunteers in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency to ensure Spontaneous Volunteers can be effectively deployed in their local area.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers

A detailed guide on planning for the involvement of spontaneous volunteers, covering national policies and principles as well as providing information on strategies for supporting and coordinating spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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Complaint Handling by Charities and Not-for-Profits

A guide to complaint handling, providing example policies and procedures.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Confident, Connected, Contributing: Top Tips for Recruiting and Supporting Disabled Volunteers

A list of tips on how to involve and support volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Volunteer Scotland, Glasgow Disability Alliance

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Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

A guide identifying the key privacy considerations your organisation should review when involving volunteers, as well as the volunteer and organisation's rights around Intellectual Property.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Corporate Policy Statement: Volunteers and Community Involvement

An example of a corporate level policy statement that supports the involvement of volunteers.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Creating an Inclusive Volunteering Environment

Information on how to create an inclusive volunteering environment, including information on how to complete an inclusion review.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Developing a Volunteer Policy

Provides high level information on how to develop a volunteering policy.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Developing a Volunteer Policy for your Organisation

A guide on how to create a volunteer policy.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Disability Action Plan

A guide on how to develop a Disability Action Plan. This resource is accompanied by Disability Action Plan Templates.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Disability Action Plan: Template

A template to create a Disability Action Plan Template. Note: This resource is accompanied by the Disability Action Plan resource.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Effective Communication

Communication considerations when working with volunteers living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Engaging and Working with Youth Volunteers

Legal information on involving young volunteers.

Author: Justice Connect, Not-for-Profit Law

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Engaging Young Volunteers

A brief guide on key considerations when involving younger volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Epidemic & Pandemic Policy

An policy template for protecting volunteer and employee health and safety during a pandemic.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, Institute of Community Directors Australia

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Example Inclusion Statement

An example of an inclusion statement at an organisational level.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Guide to Onboarding: Feedback Questions

A template for feedback questions regarding the onboarding process, from recruitment, to induction, to ongoing engagement. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Onboarding: Inclusion and Diversity Questionnaire

A template questionnaire to support the inclusive involvement of volunteers. This template covers both identifying the needs of volunteers and receiving feedback on the onboarding process. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring

A comprehensive guide to peer support, coaching and mentoring, providing information, checklists and templates. This guide is applicable to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring: Staff Peer Support Coaching Mentoring Policy

A policy template to peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring: Staff Peer Support Coaching Mentoring Procedure

A template for a procedure to outline responsibilities and processes for peer support, coaching and mentoring. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Performance Appraisal - Difficult Conversation Resource

A resource providing guidance on how to have difficult conversations. This resource is applicable to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Performance Appraisal: Employee Performance Appraisal Policy

A policy template for performance appraisal. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Performance Appraisal: Employee Performance Appraisal Procedure

A template for a procedure to guide performance appraisal. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Performance Appraisal: Managing Underperformance Guidelines

A guide on how to manage underperformance. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision

A comprehensive guide to supervision, including models of supervision and responsibilities within a supervisory relationship. This resource contains information and templates that are relevant to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision: Employee Performance Appraisal Procedure

A template for a Performance Appraisal Procedure. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision: Staff Supervision Policy

A template for a Supervision Policy. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision: Staff Supervision Procedure

A template for a Supervision Procedure. Covering the key responsibilities of supervisors and supervisees. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision: Supervision Feedback Questions

A template for supervision feedback questions. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Supervision

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Harnessing Volunteer Motivation: Resource Pack

Identifies the importance of the volunteer lifecycle, including supporting, supervising and recognising volunteers. Aligns findings with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement. Note: This resource accompanies the Leep: Harnessing Volunteer Motivation Webinar.

Author: Leep

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Keeping Volunteers Safe

Supporting volunteer involvement in a pandemic. Topics covered include risk management; work, health and safety; insurance; and an organisational self-assessment.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Local Government Sub Plan Spontaneous Volunteers: A Practical Guide for Local Government

Guides Local Government in developing their Spontaneous Volunteer Management Sub Plan and outlines key considerations and example text.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Managing Volunteers for Retention

A high level guide on best practice volunteer management to support higher retention rates.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Managing Volunteers from a CALD Background

A brief guide in how to involve volunteers from a culturally or linguistically diverse background. The resource covers key stages of the volunteer management cycle including recruitment, induction and training.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Measuring the Impact of Volunteering

A guide on how to measure the impact of volunteers.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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National Volunteering Guide

A comprehensive guide to the legal obligations an organisation has for its volunteers. This six part guide includes: 1. Introduction and overview 2. Volunteer, employee or independent contractor? 3. Recruiting, inducting, managing and ending the volunteer relationship 4. Volunteer safety with annexures 5. Workplace behaviour 6. Other legal issues relevant to volunteers

Author: Not-for-Profit Law, Justice Connect

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Organisational Plan Management of Spontaneous Volunteers – A practical guide for volunteer involving organisations

Assists organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers with establishing an Operational Plan to clearly articulate how Spontaneous Volunteers will be utilised and managed when the need arises.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Orientation for New Volunteers

A guide to considerations when planning a volunteer induction.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Parks and Wildlife Service: Volunteer Handbook

An example of a Volunteer Handbook. The Handbook covers key information on what to expect as a volunteer, including induction, training, code of conduct and work, health and safety considerations.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Parks and Wildlife Service: Volunteer Management Manual

An example of a Volunteer Management Handbook. The Handbook covers key information volunteer management processes including frameworks, recruitment, supervision and administration.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Recognising and Valuing Volunteers

Suggestions for ways to recognise volunteers in their role and in day-to-day activities.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Reimbursements, Allowances, Honoraria and Tax

A brief guide on reimbursement for volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Responding to a Pandemic: A Guide for Volunteer Involving Organisations

A comprehensive guide on volunteer involvement during a pandemic, reflecting most areas of the National Standards.

Author: Volunteering Australia, Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Agreement: Activation and use of Volunteering Queensland’s EV CREW service

Outlines the agreed roles and responsibilities of Volunteering Queensland and the respective Local Government Authority in the activation and use of Emergency Volunteering – Community Response to Extreme Weather (EV CREW).

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Sample Exit Interview Template

An example of a volunteer exit interview.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Sample Memorandum of Understanding

Establishes the principles, outcomes, roles, responsibilities, and relationships between Local Governments and organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Seven Steps to Volunteer Management Success

Tips on how to best support volunteers and volunteer involvement.

Author: Leep

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So What? Volunteering Impact Measurement - Top Tips to Get You started

A guide on how to demonstrate the impact of volunteer involvement to your organisation.

Author: Volunteer Scotland, Scottish Volunteering Forum, Scottish Government

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Social Media and Communications Policy

A template for a social media and communications policy.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Steps for Obtaining Feedback from Volunteers

A guide on how to obtain feedback from volunteers and how to follow-up on feedback provided.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Supplementary Guide to Performance Appraisal

A comprehensive guide to performance appraisal, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation

A comprehensive guide to probation, including supporting templates. This guide is applicable to both employees and volunteers. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Employee Probation Policy

A template for a Probation Policy. This resource can be used as a WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Employee Probation Procedure

A template for Probation Procedure. This resource can be used as WHS tool, providing volunteers with opportunity to provide feedback. Probation is not mandatory for volunteers. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Probation Feedback Questions

Template for a supervisor's evaluation of a probationary employee. Can be adapted to receive feedback from volunteers during onboarding process. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Template: Debriefing Spontaneous Volunteer Operations

Provides an overview on the key points to consider when debriefing Spontaneous Volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Template: Determining the Best Model for the Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in your Local Government Area

Assists Local Government in identifying the best model for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers in the local government area. Includes information on who manages liability and insurance based on the model selected.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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The Principles of Volunteering

The key principles of volunteering and how this impacts upon an organisation's volunteer involvement.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Tobi Johnson's Ultimate Guide to Managing Volunteers

A comprehensive guide on volunteer management, from an initial needs analysis, through to evaluation. Includes activities to guide processes.

Author: VolunteerPro, Tobi Johnson

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Virtual Volunteering and Digital Engagement

Research on how organisations engage digitally with virtual volunteers, providing tips on how to effectively engage remote volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Volunteer Code of Conduct

An example of a Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Volunteer Exit Interview Template

A template for conducting a volunteer exit interview.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Handbook

An example of a Volunteer Handbook. Note: This resource is currently under review. Information may no longer be correct.

Author: City of Gosnells

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Volunteer Leaving Questionnaire

A template for a volunteer exit interview.

Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki

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Volunteer Management Health Check Guide

A resource guiding organisations on how to perform a health check of their volunteer involvement and volunteer management practices. This resource can be used as a template. Note: Item 2.08 is not relevant to Australian volunteering programs.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Volunteer Management Plan Template

A template Volunteer Management Plan.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Management Toolkit

A comprehensive guide on best practice volunteer management, covering all aspects of the volunteer management cycle.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Volunteer Workforce Health and Safety Training Framework: A guide for South Australian Local Government

A comprehensive resource on workplace health and safety that covers volunteer role descriptions, risk management procedures, policies and procedures and volunteer training. Note: Some information is specific to South Australia.

Author: City of Salisbury

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Volunteering Policy

Example of a volutneering policy.

Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, VolunteerWiki

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What Rights Do I Have as a Volunteer?

Information for volunteer rights and questions to consider before volunteering for an organisation.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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