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Volunteer Management Plan Template

A template Volunteer Management Plan.

Author: Volunteering WA

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A Common Purpose: Formal Volunteering and Cultural Diversity

A guide on how to build an inclusive volunteering role, focusing on overseas volunteers, cultural awareness, communication styles, gender, and religion.

Author: Volunteering WA, Fran Robinson

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A Framework for Your Volunteer Policy

A guide and template on how to set up a Volunteer Policy.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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A Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteer Organisations

A comprehensive guide covering the WHS duties of a volunteer involving organisation. This resource covers specific topics including volunteering from home, emergency service volunteers, and bullying, harassment and discrimination duties.

Author: Safe Work Australia

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Achieving Excellence in Your Volunteer Program: Volunteer program management guidelines

A guide on how to engage with volunteers, particularly through the recruitment process, as well as how to advocate for volunteer involvement to the organisation.

Author: Swan Volunteer Resource Centre, City of Swan

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Adapting Volunteer Roles

A guide on how to adapt volunteering roles to be more inclusive of people living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Be Prepared: Managing Volunteers in Emergencies

A guide on how to manage both trained and spontaneous volunteers in emergencies. This guide includes templates and checklists.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Building Inclusive Bridges: A Guide to Facilitating Inclusive Referrals

A guide on how to facilitate inclusive volunteering in an organisation. This resource provides practical tools and tips.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Commitment to Volunteer Involvement

A guide on what to consider when setting out organisational commitments to volunteer involvement. This resource includes a self-assessment checklist.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Common Languages Guide

A guide to the glossary of terms and conditions widely used in the volunteering sector.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers

A detailed guide on planning for the involvement of spontaneous volunteers, covering national policies and principles as well as providing information on strategies for supporting and coordinating spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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Community Handbook: Day to Day Operations

How to set up a community group, including governance, management, risk management and strategic planning.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Community Handbook: Working with People

A guide on how to effectively work with volunteers as part of a community group.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Competencies for Managers of Volunteers

Identifies the key competencies of Managers of Volunteers. The resource can be used as a self-assessment tool for Managers of Volunteers to identify current skills and areas for improvement.

Author: Volunteering New Zealand

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Complaint Handling by Charities and Not-for-Profits

A guide to complaint handling, providing example policies and procedures.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Corporate Volunteering

A webpage providing using information on starting a corporate volunteering program.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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COVID-19: Business Continuity Planning

A guide to business continuity planning during a pandemic looking at the implications for volunteer involvement as well as operations, communication, finances and social impact.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, Volunteering Queensland, Volunteering Tasmania

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COVID-19: Information for Volunteer Involving Organisations

Information from Volunteering Australia’s COVID-19 Position Paper No. 2: Safeguarding Volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations. It includes resources, information on adapting volunteering programs, safeguarding volunteers and adjusting contractual obligations.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Creating Positive Volunteer Inductions

A brief guide on how to complete a volunteer induction.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Designing a Volunteer Role Description

A template for creating a volunteer role description.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Designing Volunteer Role Descriptions

A guide for Managers of Volunteers on how to design a volunteering role, including templates.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Developing a Volunteer Policy

Provides high level information on how to develop a volunteering policy.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Disability Action Plan

A guide on how to develop a Disability Action Plan. This resource is accompanied by Disability Action Plan Templates.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Disability Action Plan: Template

A template to create a Disability Action Plan Template. Note: This resource is accompanied by the Disability Action Plan resource.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Engaging and Working with Youth Volunteers

Legal information on involving young volunteers.

Author: Justice Connect, Not-for-Profit Law

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Engaging Millennial Volunteers: Understanding a New Breed of Volunteers

A detailed guide on how to engage millenial volunteers, covering role design, recruitment strategies, engagement strategies and supporting change in an organisation. This guide also includes templates.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Engaging Young Volunteers

A brief guide on key considerations when involving younger volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Equipment Requirements for Volunteer Roles

A guide and template for considering what equipment will be required to involve volunteers.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Guide to Onboarding

A comprehensive guide to onboarding volunteers, covering planning, policies and procedures, induction, training and evaluation. This guide provides information, checklists and templates relevant to both volunteers and employees. Note: This resource is accompanied by a suite of supporting resources.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Onboarding: First Day Schedule

Information on what should be considered when planning the first day of a new volunteer or staff member. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Onboarding: Pre-boarding Checklist

A checklist to guide what should be done before a volunteers first day. Note: This resource supports the Guide to Onboarding.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Guide to Supervision: Communication Protocols

Information on communication protocols, including the principles of effective communication and the benefits of communication protocols.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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Including Volunteer Contributions in Grant Applications

Information on how to including the contirbution of volunteers into the narrative and budgeting of grant applications.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Involving Volunteers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds

A guide on how to involve Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) volunteers, covering recruitment tips, motivations and addressing common concerns organisations may have.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Issues for Consideration when Planning and Designing a Formal Mentoring Program

A guide on key considerations that should be made when developing a mentoring program in an organisation.

Author: Volunteering Queensland, Queensland University of Technology

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Key Sources of Information about Volunteering in Australia

A quick guide to publicly available information about volunteering in Australia.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Key Volunteering Statistics

A snapshot of key facts and statistics about volunteering in Australia.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Let's Talk About Inclusion: Promoting Inclusion in your Volunteer Involving Organisation

A workbook to support the development of a more inclusive organisation.

Author: VolunteeringACT

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LGBTIQ Volunteers: Inclusive Practice

How to create a safe and inclusive volunteering environment for LGBTIQA+ identifying volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Making an Impact: Enhancing the effectiveness of unfunded and small voluntary organisations and groups

A leadership and governance resource for small voluntary organisations and groups.

Author: Volunteering Queensland, Queensland University of Technology

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Making it Happen: Good practice in building local capability to manage spontaneous disaster volunteers

This resource identifies who may be responsible for spontaneous volunteers, including how to set up a response team and risk management considerations. Note: Some information is specific to the Queensland context. This resource is also accompanied by the Making it Happen: Toolkit, which provides useful tools for volunteer management of spontaneous volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Managing Volunteers from a CALD Background

A brief guide in how to involve volunteers from a culturally or linguistically diverse background. The resource covers key stages of the volunteer management cycle including recruitment, induction and training.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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National Volunteering Guide

A comprehensive guide to the legal obligations an organisation has for its volunteers. This six part guide includes: 1. Introduction and overview 2. Volunteer, employee or independent contractor? 3. Recruiting, inducting, managing and ending the volunteer relationship 4. Volunteer safety with annexures 5. Workplace behaviour 6. Other legal issues relevant to volunteers

Author: Not-for-Profit Law, Justice Connect

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Optimising Health and Wellbeing Benefits from Volunteering: Good Practice for Engaging and Supporting Volunteers

A good practice guide for engaging and supporting volunteers.

Author: Volunteer Scotland, Scottish Volunteering Forum

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Organisational Plan Management of Spontaneous Volunteers – A practical guide for volunteer involving organisations

Assists organisations responsible for the management of Spontaneous Volunteers with establishing an Operational Plan to clearly articulate how Spontaneous Volunteers will be utilised and managed when the need arises.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Orientation for New Volunteers

A guide to considerations when planning a volunteer induction.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Other Unpaid Work Arrangements

Identifying the different between volunteering, work for the dole, internships, and student placements.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Parks and Wildlife Service: Volunteer Management Manual

An example of a Volunteer Management Handbook. The Handbook covers key information volunteer management processes including frameworks, recruitment, supervision and administration.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Partnership Planning Tool: Corporate Volunteering Templates

A resource for planning the involvement of corporate volunteers in an organisation.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Planning to Train Volunteers

A guide on planning training for volunteers, including templates on questions to consider in the process.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Position Description: Treasurer

A template for the position description for a Treasurer.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Recruitment Plan

A basic template for considering a recruitment plan.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Returning Volunteer Programs and Volunteers during COVID-19

A guide to effectively engaging and re-engaging volunteers during a pandemic from recruitment to safeguarding their wellbeing. Note: Some information is specific to the Western Australian context.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Sample: Volunteer Reception and Registration Centre Plan

Supports organisations in planning for the use of Volunteer Reception and Registration Centres within their Spontaneous Volunteer operations.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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School Leavers and Volunteering

A guide to involving school leavers who are living with a disability.

Author: Victoria ALIVE, Volunteering Victoria

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Spontaneous Volunteer Management Resource Kit: Helping to manage spontaneous volunteers in emergencies

A comprehensive resource on spontaneous volunteer management, covering planning prior to an emergency, during an emergency and after an emergency. This resource also covers management frameworks and communication strategies.

Author: Australian Red Cross, Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

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Steps for Setting up a Volunteer Programme

A brief list of actions to consider when setting up a volunteer program.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Supplementary Guide to Probation: Position Description Template

A template to create a position description. Note: This resource supports the Supplementary Guide to Probation

Author: VolunteeringACT

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The Screening Handbook

This comprehensive handbook provides information on screening as part of the volunteer management cycle, identifying ten steps to screening. Please note that some information will be specific to the Canadian context.

Author: Volunteer Canada

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Tobi Johnson's Ultimate Guide to Managing Volunteers

A comprehensive guide on volunteer management, from an initial needs analysis, through to evaluation. Includes activities to guide processes.

Author: VolunteerPro, Tobi Johnson

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Top Tips: Inclusion in Volunteering - Common Areas

High level tips on how to create a more inclusive volunteering program.

Author: Volunteer Scotland, National Inclusion in Volunteering Group

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Unpaid Work

Information provided by the Fair Work Ombudsman on unpaid work.

Author: Fair Work Ombudsman, Australian Government

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Virtual Volunteering and Digital Engagement

Research on how organisations engage digitally with virtual volunteers, providing tips on how to effectively engage remote volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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An engagement tool designed for volunteers and small to medium groups to evaluate and better understand their volunteering opportunities and threats.

Author: VolPoll

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Volunteer Agreement

Information on what a Volunteer Agreement is and what needs to be considered when developing an Agreement.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Database

A basic excel template for record keeping of volunteer details.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Engagement Response Plan to COVID-19

How to engage with volunteers during a pandemic, including effectively resourcing roles and re-considering how the organisation can better support the community.

Author: Volunteering Victoria, VQ Volunteer Strategies

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Volunteer Information Sessions

A guide on developing and hosting a volunteer information session.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Volunteer Management Plan Template

A template Volunteer Management Plan.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Management Toolkit

A comprehensive guide on best practice volunteer management, covering all aspects of the volunteer management cycle.

Author: Volunteering Victoria

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Volunteer Orientation Checklist

A template for preparing and completing a volunteer oriendation or induction.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Project Notification

An example of an internal volunteer project notification, used to identify a new volunteering project.

Author: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Parks & Wildlife Service

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Volunteer Record Template

A template for record keeping a volunteer's involvement.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

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Volunteer Recruitment

How to advertise for volunteer roles, including through emergency volunteering platforms.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Volunteer Recruitment Checklist

A template for a volunteer recruitment checklist. Note: this checklist is most relevant to sporting clubs and groups.

Author: Volunteering WA

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Volunteer Role Risk Assessment

A template for a volunteer role risk assessment.

Author: Volunteer Edinburgh, Volunteer Wiki

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Volunteer Vs Intern

A brief overview of the difference between volunteers and interns.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Volunteer Workforce Health and Safety Training Framework: A guide for South Australian Local Government

A comprehensive resource on workplace health and safety that covers volunteer role descriptions, risk management procedures, policies and procedures and volunteer training. Note: Some information is specific to South Australia.

Author: City of Salisbury

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Volunteering Australia's Defition of Volunteering: Frequently Asked Questions Supplement

An FAQ document relating to Volunteering Australia's definition of volunteering.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Volunteers and Tax

Information on tax as it relates to volunteer involvement.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Why do Organisations Involve Volunteers?

A brief introduction to organisations on involving volunteers.

Author: Volunteer Ireland

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Working with Older Volunteers

A brief guide on key considerations when involving older volunteers.

Author: Volunteering Queensland

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Writing a Code of Conduct

A guide on how to write a code of conduct.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Writing a Role Description

A guide on how to write a volunteer role description.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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Writing Policies and Procedures

A resource on the importance of policies and procedures and what policies and procedures an organisation may require.

Author: Volunteering Australia

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